In honour of Lewis Carroll's birthday a few days ago, here are Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, published by Random House in 1946. They have the John Tenniel illustrations which were coloured by Fritz Kredel for this edition. Tenniel illustrated the first edition of Alice in 1865. These books were given to me by my husband's aunt.
Today's book is 'Sleepytime Stories', illustrated by J.P. Miller. I always feel sorry for King Midas when I read about The Golden Touch, don't you? The Husband Who Tried to Keep House makes me laugh - I guess that husband will appreciate his wife more next time! What kinds of stories have you been reading to your kids at night lately? My daughter and I have started reading Babe: The Gallant Pig by Dick King-Smith (love that movie!!) and we're going to start on the next Pippi Longstocking book - Pippi Goes on Board.
Here is a book of poetry with beautiful artwork by Tasha Tudor. She lived from 1915-2008 and illustrated almost 100 books. I especially love the poem 'Baby' by George MacDonald here - so beautiful! Do you have any favourite books of poetry that you read with your kids?
This Ladybird book for babies inspired me to use this post to tell a bit about my baby daughter Tegan Lucy. Tegan is now 20 months old. When she was born she came in a big hurry - from the first contraction to when she was born took all of 2.5 hours. I totally was not expecting this since her big sister Keira took about 30 hours from start to finish! She is starting to learn more words lately - I think her first real word was 'apple'. She really likes to look at books with pictures of things that she can recognize, point to, and sometimes say the word or make the animal sound for. Right now her favourite song is "Old MacDonald". She likes playing with her Little People sets, blocks, musical toys, or anything that she knows she is not supposed to have, haha! She and her big sister like to play 'chase' together. She really likes to eat any kind of fruit but she refuses to drink cow's milk at all. Right now she still has a cold and it's so hard to fall asleep at night when she can't breathe properly - I hate it when she is sick, I feel so bad! Oh and I have to mention one more thing about Tegan - she sometimes does this craaaazy laugh - my husband and older daughter and I refer to it by several names- the 'leprechaun' laugh, the 'crazy chipmunk' laugh, or the 'kookaburra' laugh. :) I really need to get it on video - it is way too funny!
A quick post for you tonight before my toddler wakes up with her stuffy nose again - this is a Dean board book published in 1979 with illustrations by the Johnstones that I recently bought at a used book store. It's among the many books I gave my daughters for Christmas! This book has many of the same pages in it that my "Deans Mother Goose Book of Rhymes" has in it but I was so happy to find this one as a board book! That way I can let my toddler look at it and not worry about it getting ruined. Then I can show her the more comprehensive one when she gets older. Take a look at my other Deans/Johnstones posts as well though if you haven't already, as the pictures I posted there are different from the ones here.
Happy New Year! Recently we have been watching some Mr. Dressup dvd's from the library. I have great memories of this show from when I was a kid. It ran for a long, long time - 1967-1996! Mr. Dressup was originally a puppeteer for Mr. Rogers. Did any of you watch this show? Do you remember Casey and Finnegan and their tree house, the Tickle Trunk with all of the dressup clothes, Mr. Dressup's drawings and crafts, and the owl on the wall? ('too-whit, too-whooo! I always was a little bit scared of him!) Mr. Dressup (Ernie Coombs) died in 2001. Mr. Dressup is a great part of Canadian culture - I wonder if any of my American readers that lived in the more northern parts watched the show as well. If not, you should introduce your kids to it via YouTube! Have fun watching this clip- I love hearing the theme song again!