Love these gorgeous illustrations by Retta Scott Worcester, an illustrator for Disney in the 1930's and 40's. I learned an interesting fact - that Retta was best friends with Mary Blair! (another amazing Disney artist.) So funny as I had been thinking that her style reminded me of Mary's.
As I was thinking about the topic of Disney, I am realizing that my 7 year old has actually not seen a lot of the Disney movies. I think she may have seen parts of Cinderella but not the whole thing. She recently got the re-issue of The Little Mermaid on blu-ray for her birthday so now she has finally seen that one. Don't get me wrong, she watches more than her fair share of tv, but I just haven't had a lot of Disney movies around for her. She does watch the Disney Junior channel a lot and she would definitely love to go to Disney World! I would love to take the kids too - I did not go as a young child but I did go to Epcot Center when I was 16 and again when I was in my late twenties. Some of my favourite Disney films are Robin Hood, Peter Pan, The Aristocats, 101 Dalmatians, Mary Poppins, Beauty and the Beast, Finding Nemo, and more.