Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Christmas in July

 When I saw that my blogging friends at http://silvershoesandrabbitholes.blogspot.ca/ and http://juliasbookbag.com/ both did a "Christmas in July" post, I decided to follow suit!  (Just in the nick of time, too!)  Yikes, summer is half over. Here is Richard Scarry's Christmas Mice and The Santa Claus Book - a Golden Shape book.  Cuteness galore.  I love birthdays and Christmases because it always gives me an excuse to buy more books for my girls and maybe also for my nephews and for my friends' children.  Although in this house, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny also bring books - who knew??  :) 
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  1. These are DARLING!!!! Christmas Mice, oh how cute!!! I think it's GREAT that the Easter bunny and the Tooth Fairy bring books, books are so magical, and even more so when they arrive on a holiday...;)

  2. Oh, I love the Richard Scarry! I haven't seen it before. I think The Santa Claus Book looks familiar, though. Sweet!

    I try very hard to save most book purchases (save for random used books) for birthdays and holidays. The new Olivia book was supposed to come out two days after my own birthday, so I was going to gift myself. (Yes, really.) Now it comes out one week before my oldest's birthday, so I can still time it right! Yay!
